Timber Decks
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Sutherland Shire is full of properties that have timber decks outside. Is yours not one of them? If that’s the case, we’re sorry to hear that. Perhaps, we can help you out, though. How? By designing and building you the timber deck of your dreams, that’s how. No project is too big or small for us, so if you’re in the market for a high-quality deck, please, do not hesitate to contact our office.
What materials are used to create timber decks? In Australia, Australian hardwoods, imported hardwoods, and treated pine are some of the options available. However, for places that reside in ‘Bush Fire Prone Areas,’ timbers such as turpentine, spotted gum, or red ironbark may be required. That is determined through an assessment process and tells the client what material is best suited for their particular situation.
Where should a person put decking? There isn’t really a wrong or right answer to this question because decks can be used in many ways and for many purposes. For example, a homeowner with a swimming pool could surround it with a timber deck to enhance the atmosphere. Meanwhile, an apartment complex owner could install decking outside to create a barbecue area for tenants to enjoy.
Have you been searching far and wide to set your property apart from the rest in Sutherland Shire? Yes, then stop the search because you’ve found the answer here. As mentioned before, we design and build high-quality timber decks, and our team is ready to assist you. Just, please, don’t get taken aback when the 5-star service surpasses your expectations. Are you eager to discover what the fuss is about for yourself? Then, don’t delay any longer. Instead, contact Parslow’s Decks and let us bring that vision in the back of your mind to life.